Around 60 classics from all over the word around WOMEN

The particularity of MEMORY festival’s programming is to combine major classics and works which are rarely screened, including in their own countries, and manyhave never adventured out of their native land.

As for each edition, a theme is chosen for the programming. Building a programming around a thematic offers the possibility for the audience to be “guided” into the richness of the large worldwide cinema heritage. In 2015 the audience will be invited to a “journey” within the selection of films around WOMEN : from a country to another, from early times of the cinema to more recent classics,from a vision to another... Through this selection, the festival aims at opening a window on the world of the past to better understand the world oftoday. 60 different visions of the women, from 1906 to the 1978…
In addition to the films, conferences and masterclass will be the place for presentations and debates.

Programming list twill be available early May 2015